How easy it can be to discover HKU’s e-learning resources by this portal?
The HKU E-Learning Resource Hub is a campus-wide initiative suggested in the Focused Review of E-learning conducted by the E-learning Committee in 2019. The Review Group recommended that a centralised online platform be developed, and the promotion of e-learning resources on campus be strengthened to enable teachers and students to take advantage of the assets available in various locations. Besides the major platforms for online courses, e-learning projects and services, the hub has integrated many other resources created/maintained by faculties and support units to assist learning and teaching in an online mode.
This project was coordinated by the University of Hong Kong Libraries (HKUL) with inputs from the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), Information Technology Services (ITS), and Technology Enhanced Learning Initiative (TELI). The interface is designed with keyword search functionality and filtering/sorting options by resource types, purpose of use, contributing unit and user group. A suggestion box is also provided at the bottom of the Hub’s homepage for recommendations of useful e-learning resources available in HKU and other online sources.