Systematic guidelines that cover 17 examples of authoring tools and digital materials such as PowerPoint and PDF; selection of e-learning tools from the accessibility perspective, and tips on delivering accessible livestreaming session. Website version:
Features 14 topics on basic concepts, practical tips, and resources for the accessibility of virtual teaching and learning, e.g., enhancing the accessibility of real-time screen sharing and screenshot sharing; and looking for potential solutions to remedy inaccessible virtual teaching and learning.
Central Learning Space are managed by Learning Environment Services (LES) under co-branding strategy between ITS and University Libraries.
Classroom Support in centrally administered classrooms and lecture theatres are provided by Learning Environment Services (LES) and we also provides a wide spectrum of services to support the teaching and learning.
A free and voluntary-based operation built using Notion to share useful tips and tricks with people who are interested in e-learning tools and hacks.
Portable audio, video and data projection equipment for loan to all staff and students for teaching, presentations or self-learning purposes. Apply via Online Booking System (HKUFBS) (
DLL equipped with digital video facilities and multipurpose studio to encourage active learning and experiences through digital technologies.
The University has a system in place to enable students to use some of the small classrooms for study purposes when they are not in use for teaching.
An open access photographic archive for anyone interested in Hong Kong and its history
Ebook for teachers and professional voice users who want to use their speaking voice more efficiently.
Software available for use by staff and/or students without additional cost, subject to the terms described.
This e-learning platform provides learning materials regarding pediatric cardiology such as physical examination skills, signs, ECG interpretation, heart sounds, etc.
ITS organizes various regular training courses and seminars to facilitate staff and students in getting the know-how in using the central IT services.
ITS supports High Performance Computing (HPC) service for University researchers and scholars from diverse disciplines whose work requires intensive computations.
All the seminars and workshops provided by TALIC are listed on the website for registration.
Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship is an interdisciplinary research project to study the impact of digital media on the everyday life of children and youth, and on their development as citizens in an increasingly technology-intensive and globally-connected world.
The website aims to encourage open dialogue about good practices on the internationalisation of teaching and learning across universities in Hong Kong and beyond. It provides news and resources on internationalisation of teaching and learning.
How can we learn from last 2 year’s ‘emergency remote teaching’ and online learning models to re-design our courses? This website provides a range of resources on online course designing. You will be able to find videos and presentations on key topics, TIPs pages, a course planner, and useful links.
This website curates a range of resources on dual-mode teaching, which were compiled based on various sources. You will be able to find a framework, TIPs and tricks, video resources, and useful links.
Weava is an HKU student-started productivity tool for students to easily research, organize and process information. Weava is used by more than 650,000 students and educators around the world who use Weava to identify, highlight, annotate and organize information online (both web and PDFs), create citations and more.
A LibGuide on consolidated resources, event and other information of Digital Information of the University of Hong Kong.
Library course materials available in DataHub.
List of digital equipment available in Main Library for loan such as intelligent cameras, smart speakers, smartglasses and others.
A digital archive of art and architecture images with textual information provided for teaching and learning. User group: HKU staff and students.
A comprehensive introduction to the history of modern and contemporary art by Professor David Clarke of the Department of Art History
Contains visual archive of images of works by HK artists, guides to literature on HK art, etc.
A gateway for the discovery of digitized materials from HKUL.
Guidelines for staff on governing relationships between and among university staff and students
Contact list of Equal Opportunity Advisors in Departments/Halls
FAQ on Sexual Harassment, including the definition and how to report a case
Guidelines for handling sexual harassment in HKU
Policy Statement on Equal Opportunity in HKU
Find a list of library databases.
The OMR scanner system (Opscan3) is for marking multiple-choice examinations or processing a user survey.
ROLE serves as a resource for a variety of stakeholders in Hong Kong –from members of the HKU community, to teachers in Hong Kong secondary schools, to the general public
Senior CLIC is a community legal information website specially designed with a view to providing Hong Kong elderly people with basic information about the law, crimes, and legal issues which elderly people are interested in, need to know about, and may affect them.
OBASL is an approach to programme and course design, and to teaching and learning, that is focused upon what the students are expected to learn and to do, rather than what the teacher expects to teach and do.
By subscribing, teachers will receive a notification email message three days before the due date of a "Moodle assignment", that is at the same time as students do.
The CERC Shadow Education Special Interest Group has moved the shadow education bibliography to database format to better accomodate our more than 400 entries.
Sample Lesson Plans, Videos, Photos & Reflections
Resources for online learning
Research projects carried out in the Unit of Human Communication, Development and Information Sciences explore the basic origins and implications of communication and swallowing disorders.
Projects related to develop and support e-education leadership
Resources for three psycholinguistic areas
Special Study Rooms support students with special education needs.
The Ingenium’s flexible exhibition and event spaces can transform through folding partitions to accommodate conferences, events, and workshops.
LIC classroom can be booked for a small group teaching. Booking must be made at least 8 weeks in advance subject to availability.
The Library Innovation Centre is the creative, collaborative and educational space which provides access to advanced software, emerging technologies and production equipment.
Level 3 is a learning commons style facility providing a variety of spaces suitable for different learning styles including reflective self-study as well as collaborative study.
List of software available in Library innovation center.
Enhancing learning experiences through the creative, appropriate and effective use of technologies.
Learning Environment Services (LES) provides faculty, staff and student organizations with audio visual equipment and technical assistance for meetings, conferences and events in lecture theatres and performance venues of HKU. LES also offers consulting services to faculties and departments wishing to add new audiovisual or modify existing technology solutions.
Technology-enhanced Learning (TeL) @ HKU refers broadly to the application of any technology for the purpose of enhancing teaching and learning.
TIPS (Teaching Innovation Production Studio) is a high-quality environment for multimedia production such as filming or sound recording. In this studio, you will enjoy professional multimedia support and advisory services from TALIC in creating your very own videos.
For conceptual and practical information relating to the development, innovation and research for engineering education.
The handbook gives an introduction to the undergraduate education at HKU.
Here are a number of good practices and tips based on the literature and a small-scale pilot study at HKU.
The Ingenium’s flexible exhibition and event spaces can transform through folding partitions to accommodate conferences, events, and workshops.
Family CLIC is a community legal information website specially designed with a view to providing Hong Kong families with basic information about the law, crimes, and legal issues which family members are interested in, need to know about, and may affect them.
The Faculty of Law of University of Hong Kong runs a Free Legal Advice Scheme on campus under the Duty Lawyer Service.
A grade descriptor is a broad verbal statement about the general standard to be applied with a qualitative description of each grade.
The Library provides Headphones (including noise cancelling) available for loan.
This is an online teaching support network for TAs and TUTORS of Common Core courses.
Login Moodle with you HKU Portal ID and pin to view your course materials.
A website for teachers, staff and students to get the latest news and training on Moodle.
With a view to promoting and supporting the rule of law in Hong Kong, HKLII is a free, independent, non-profit Internet facility providing the public with legal information relating to Hong Kong. HKLII supports and participates in the free access to law movement.
The Human Rights Hub is a centre for Human Rights learning, research and knowledge exchange within Hong Kong, the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
The KOTE project aims to improve the communication and swallowing safety in the frail elderly by providing direct therapy and workshops in the community.
Laptops and tablets are available for short loan at the circulation counter of the Main and Branch Libraries for use anywhere on campus.
The Tutorial Sign-up Management application is designed for the course teachers and course administrators to manage the students’ tutorial group registration. The Tutorial Sign-up Management application can be accessed through the My eLearning tab of HKU Portal.
Explore useful resources that will improve and facilitate your work here.
Editing room is a sound proof audio recording room.
These e-Learning Resources lists are not exhaustive but meant to facilitate your brainstorming and kick-starting your own journey in searching the right materials for yourself.
Digital Interactive Lab is designed for teaching, seminar and conference use.
Concept and Creation Rooms provide opportunities for users collaborative learning to brainstorm new concepts, share ideas, and work in groups.
CLIC is a bilingual community legal information web-site. It is a quick internet guide for the general public to find relevant legal information in Hong Kong.
Chi Wah Learning Commons (智華館) is a technology-rich, shared or common space in which students, teachers and others can come together to interact, and participate in various kinds of learning activities held there.
Catchbox is the world’s first throwable microphone. A number of brave innovators have been using Catchbox in their classrooms to promote more student engagement.
Teaching and learning resources provided by the Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research.
Basic Law Drafting History Online (BLDHO) is an online resource providing information and materials from the drafting history of Hong Kong's constitution, The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
LES (ITS) provides on-site technical support for audio visual events. Apply via CF44
Assessment Resources @HKU is the home for conceptual and practical information relating to the development, innovation and research for assessment in higher education.
Accessing HKUL e-resources from HKUL, publisher's website, Google Scholar or PubMed
3D scanners are available for current HKU staff and students. Online reservation is required for 3D Scanners.
3D printing service is available for HKU current staff and students. You can create your 3D model from scratch or download a file ready for printing on the Internet.
User can either download the Microsoft Teams client or use the web version of Microsoft Teams under Microsoft Office 365.
The campus license on Zoom is for use by HKU staff and students. They can use Zoom to organize online meetings for supporting their teaching and learning needs.